full asana

Yoga is the art of living and yogasana isa a scientific procedure. This is the only exercise which affects the inmost parts of the body.the health of our body and mind depends on the soundness of the health of our internal organs, the heart, lungs, digestive system, glands, mind, the nervous system,etc. If the organs inside the body are active and the body has adequate resistance power, medicine also acts. Otherwise, the medicine also acts. Otherwise, the medicine leaves behind toxic effects and gives rise to many new diseases and side effects.

Yoga and other Yogic practices awaken the inner strength of the body. While performing Yogic exercise, we turn and twist the body,stretch it tightly and then release it. Through this process, our blood veins and cleaned up and the heart is helped in pumping purified blood into the body and returning impure blood to the heart. The heart has to function constantly. In a span of 24 hours it pumps 8,000 litres of blood in the body and returns the same amount of impure blood to the heart and transmits to the heart. This routine process goes on until we are alive.

We tire after the day's work, have to take rest thereafter ans sleep at night for 6 to 8 hours, but the heart and the lungs continue working even then. Nor are they subordinate to us. We cannot command them to rest. Even so,the heart also needs rest, and there is only one way of giving it rest and that is the heart and veins should be kept clean so that they might easily circulate purified blood through the whole body and pass the impure blood to the lungs for purification. The heart should not have to carry this job by making hard knocks. The organs receive pure blood are strong, active and disease-free. But today heart diseases are strong, active and disease-free. But today heart diseases are very common. The heart has to function by pressing and pushing and consequently neither pure blood reaches all the parts of the body, not is the toxin ejected from the body. As a result the patient's condition deteriorates and he becomes tense.

Yogasana and Pranayama purify the blood vessels, open up the lungs and the muscles becomes elastic. This boosts their contracting and expanding power. They can absorb more oxygen. They burn up the toxins of the body and eject them in the form of carbon dioxide.

Daily routine of yogic postures we activate four toxin expelling mechanism viz Nose, Skin, Urinary & Excreta tract, are activated. Thus toxins do not accumulate in the body giving feeling of well being and mental relaxtion

Yogic exercises are probably the only system which aim to improve flexibility of spine. The body is bent in all four directions as well as given twisting movements to achieve the flexibility of the opine as well as activating energy center of the body.

The brain is connected with the spinal cord through the foramen magnum. It is the portion of the vertebrate central nervous system which constitutes the organ of thought and neural coordination like a telephone wire network. The brain includes all the higher nerve centres. It receives stimuli from the sense organs and interprets and correlates them to formulate the major impulses. Through this process we experience, for example, heat, cold etc. Indeed the brain activates the whole body by means of these nerve centers. Yogasanas keep our brain and the whole nervous system active and functional. These activities are carried out only in slow motion. During their performance we stretch and relax our physical structure fully. This frees the nerves from stress and strain and improves their functioning. Pranayama also makes the nerves calm and active, the mind steady and increases self-confidence and is the only approach to self discovery.

When the physical structure is healthy the mind is serene, which, in turn, activates the inner powers. The man becomes steady and concentrated. This boosts our working capacity and sussess follows our efforts. The tendency to shy away from difficult situations vanishes. Rather, we acquire the power of facing up to them. Thinking becomes positive and constructive and our actions have the right direction. Well-beging, success and good fortunes thus acquired will evoke joy and bliss which is the other name for 'God'. The soul becomes divine. This is what Yoga is all about. No matter what our field of activity is, by the constant practice of Yoga we remain in the state of Yoga. All that is needed is to perform all kinds of activities connected with it with faith and trust and reverence. This is what accomplishment is the accomplishment of Yoga.