full asana

The importance of yoga

1. Yogasanas are the physical practices which tone up the internal organs of the body. The body that is visible from outside is only a skeleton covered by muscle cells which gives it a shape. Until and unless our internal organs are healthy, we cannot be healthy. We see that the heart works for all the 24 hours and does not take rest even for a single moment.

Some people have doubt like why we should prefer yogasanas to other exercises such as gymnastics, wrestling and popular games. What is wrong about doing these exercises and what is very special about yogasanas..? following points will answer their doubts.

Other exercises affect only the muscles outwardly, therefore, the body appears quite strong and healthy. But these exercises do not have as much impact on the internal organs of the body as the yogasanas. Yogasanas are very effective in throwing out all our body wastes and in activating our glands, on the proper functioning of which depends our health and happiness. They give wonderful powers and increase longevity. Moreover, in doing asanas the number of cells that break is small, while the number of new cells that ar4e formed is proportionately very large.

2. Other exericises have very little impact on the mind and sense organs, while the asanas improve mental power and help in controlling the sense organs.

3. Yogasanas improve our resistance power against diseases and do not allow any external matter to accumulate in the body. In this way, they deep the body free from the diseases.

4. For sports and other exercises, we need considerable apace and several persons. Asanas on the other hand can be performed in relatively little space and all by oneself. All that we need is a carpet or bed sheet. But we must learn them first from a person who knows the technique well

5. Yogasanas increase the elasticity of our body and make the body more active and supple. The blood circulation takes place more smoothly and properly and the body becomes capable of more work. We look young in spite of our age. Other exercises, on the other hand, make the muscles stiff and hard. The body becomes stiff and the old age comes sooner

6. As a drain is cleaned by sweeping and by putting water into it, the different asanas clean the blood circulation drains of our body in the same way. Clean blood circulates freely in all parts of our body, and helps keep our body free from impurities. This is possible only by yogasanas and not by other exercises which increase our heartbeat abnormally. They do not have the capacity to clean the bold unlike the asanas.

7. Our lungs are responsible for purifying our blood. By yoasanas and pranayama, we increase the expansion and contraction of our lungs so that they become capable of purifying more and more blood. IN other exercises the lungs breathe quickly, but not deeply. The oxygen, therefore, does not reach their innermost parts. These parts therefore keep on accumulating wastes and impurities and after some time show off as diseases.

8. We usually have an unnatural and wrong way of living in the modern times. We also eat unnatural food and thereby spoil our digestive system. The digestive organs cannot function properly due to this unnatural mode of living and eating. Yogasanas are the best means to keep these organs in proper functioning order. No other exercise can be a substitute for the asanas in this respect.

9. Our youth depends upon our spine which controls the entire nervous system and blood circulatory organs. The greater the elasticity in the vertebral column, the greater the elasticity in the vertebral column, the greater the vigour and longer the life.

10. Other exercises cause tiredness to the body, while yogasanas make us fresh. In other exercises, the body has to spend a lot of energy, but in yogasanas it is not so, because these have to be done slowly by stretching the body limbs and then relaxing them. These exercises do not cause any violence to the body. They are therefore known as non-violent exercises.

11. Other exercises have little impact on the character of a person. But yogasanas not only improve body health, they also have a sobering effect on the mind. They build up mental and ethical powers. The mind becomes balanced and peaceful. This in turn brings about equanimity and sattvic ideas.

12. There are several glands in our body which keep us healthy and free from diseases if they function properly. Their secretion mix with blood and the man becomes healthy and strong. For example, if thyroid and parathyroid glands which are located in neck do not secrete their juices in the required quantity, the children’s development is halted and even young men start losing their hair prematurely. The practice of yogasana is very effective in activating these glands, so that they secrete their juices in the required quantity.

13. In fact, yogasanas, pranayama and six yogic practices of purification are a panacea for all ills. They have a unique power to throw waste products out of the body. They can therefore be depended out of the body. They can therefore be depended upon for physical and mental well-being.

14. Besides having physical, mental and moral effects, yoga system leads a man to spiritualism. No other system has such wide-ranging impact on human body, mind, brain and intellect.

Some Other Useful Yoga Aasans

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