full asana


Many people equate Prana with air or breath and, therefore, define Pranayama as the exercise of breathing. But this concept is wrong and misleading. Prana, in fact is the vital energy which pervades each and every element of the world, whether organic or inorganic. It is, no doubt related to the air and breath. But Prana is not only the air, it is the vital energy in the air. While talking of Pranayama, we should always keep in mind the difference between the air and the vital energy within it. The word meaning of Pranayama is the “expansion of prana”. The aim of Pranayama is to inspire, infuse, control, regulate and balance the Prana Shakti(vital energy) in the body.

Just as bathing is necessary for the purification of the body, similarly Pranayama is essential for the purification of the mind. Pranayama helps to improve retention power and concentration power. This in turn leads to soundness of mind and soundless of body. The liver the stomach, the kidneys, the intestines, the digestive organs, the veins and entire nervous system get strengthened by the regular practice of Pranayama. It brings about equanimity and helps to destroy past Samskaras. By its regular practice, one is able to control the sense organs and the mind. It has been said in Vyasa Bhashya. .

There is no greater tapa than Pranayama. It washes away the impurities and leads to the light of real knowledge.

Just as the impurities of metals (gold, etc.) are removed by the flame of fire, the indriyas throw out their impurities though Pranayama. .

In our body two streams of breathing energies flow. They are Pran and Apan. The former flows from body cells to the heart, whereas the latter form heart to the atmosphere outside. The couplets, addressed to adept of Pranayama, tell him that Pranayama brings strength, courage, energy for life and good health and that Apanvayu expels internal weakness and ill health from the body.

Prayer to Pranvayu is that it may bring in energy to cure diseases and to Apanvayu is that it may expel internal malfunctioning elements and various disease bearing weaknesses. Addressing the Pran-energy the prayer further says that “thou are panacea for all diseases, and as messenger of Gods and cosmic energies you are blowing is side our system”.

By these couples sages have defined Pran-shakti as messenger of Gods and cosmic energies.

Pancha Prana

Although Prana is one, it has five sub-divisions on the basis of its location in the human body. These are collectively called Pancha prana.

1.Prana:This pervades the region from the throat to the heart. It helps in the dawnward flow to the breath.

2.Apana: It is located below the navel region. This vayu strengthens the large intestine and helps in the excretion of wastes like urine and stool.

3.Samana: It pervades the region between the heart and the navel and invigorates the digestive organs and controls the juices emanating from them.

4.Udana: The Prana Vayu, which pervades the region from the throat to the brain is called Udana. This Udana Shakti controls the organs above the throat, such as eyes, nose, ears, brain , etc. In its absence, the brain would not be able to function properly and we would lose our contact with the external world.

5.Vyana: This Prana Shakti pervades the entire human body. It coordinates Prana Vayus and other centres of energy in the body as well as controls and keeps in proper balance all the activities and movements of the body.

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