full asana

Importance of Dhyana

It is the mind of man which chains him to the world or leads him to Moksha (liberation). Man is not only a living being made of bones, flesh and blood. He also has a mind endowed with various types of Samskaras.

Mind is just like an unbridled horse. It roams about everywhere and does not easily submit to any control or discipline. It is active all the time with movements as swift as they are uncontrollable. By its every nature, it does not fix on any object for a long time. This fleeting movement of the mind dissipates its energy. If one takes a decision, the mind will coin so many excuses to counteract it. Suppose one decides to join a yoga class the next morning, the mind will do its best to defeat this idea by several excuses, e.g., why not enjoy the morning sleep when the weather is pleasant and air is so cool. If these suggestions fail, the mind would give another excuse, i.e., today the bowels are not properly clean, so it would not be possible to have full advantage of the asanas, therefore, why not start from tomorrow. And this tomorrow never comes, because the mind will try to break the will power of a person by one way or the other. One who falls prey to the mischievous designs of the mind can never stick to one s decisions. On the other hand, if these arguments of the mind are rejected in the first instance, it will weaken its hold.

The joys and sorrows of the world are caused by the mind. The likes and dislikes depend upon the mind of man, because it is the mind which projects them as good or bad, lovable or detestable. The senses see, hear, smell, taste and touch the outward objects and convey their sensations to the mind. It is the mind that enjoys them. In youga, therefore, the first means are the senses, thereafter comes the mind. The victory of the mind by the mind Is yoga.

There are several means by which a Sadhaka tries to control the mind, japa, tapa, yajna, karma, and jnana are some of them. But the best of all these is Dhyana. It is however to be remembered that control over mind cannot be achieved so easily. It is not possible to achieve success in this field just in a few days. Constant practice, detachment of the mind from its sense objects and firm determination can however gradually lead one to the path of success. In this process, the key lies in Dhyana. As the Dhyana grows and matures, the mind goes on becoming more and more pure, its folds open up, the old Samskaras ae dissolved, and the mind becomes free from impurities. One then progresses from the unconscious to subconscious state, from subconscious to conscious state, and from conscious to super conscious i.e., the state of Samadhi.

In general also, Dhyana saves the mind from dissipation and takes it to the realms of peace and perfection. The concentration of mind is increased, its fickleness and instability are removed, it rests in stability, so that its energies are increased. Dhyana, thus awakens the slumbering energies of the mine.

Dhyana id essential for all. Ascetics, grihasthis (family men), students, doctors, lawyers, shopkeepers, men and women, all are benefited by the practice of Dhyana. It is as useful for patients as it is for healthy men. Even if it is not perfect, Dhyana is a must for at least five minutes daily for everybody.

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