full asana

Yogasanas Rules and Technique (Must Know)

The main aim of yogic postures is to have supple body, calm mind and experience balanced spiritual existence. It is therefore, suggested that new adept commence the routine slowly from simple postures and then add difficult asanas. It is recommended that a new adept starts with Surya Namaskar(Salutation to Sun), Nao Asana (Boat Posture), Kamarchakrasana (Spinal Twist Posture), Vajra Asana (Hardy Pose), Ushtra Asana (Camel Pose), Bhujanga Asana (Cobra Pose), Dhanur Asana (Bow Pose), Padauttan Asana (Raised Feet Pose), Makar Asana (Aligator Pose) and Mukta Asana (Stomach Squeese).

After about a month’s practice, introduce, Paschimottana Asana (Posterior Stretch Pose), Yogmudra (Variation of Lotus Pose), Ardhamatsyendra Asana (The Spinal Twist), Supta Vajra Asana (Horizontal Hardy Pose), Shalabh Asana (Locust Pose), Halasana (Plough Pose), Sarvanga Asana (Shoulder Stand), Matsya Asana (Fish Pose) etc. one by one.

The following rules about yogasanas must be observed to get maximum benefit from them:

1. Yogasanas should be done in the morning after going to the latrine. It is preferable to practice them after bathing, because bathing makes the body light and fresh, thereby increasing its elasticity. This helps in doing the asanas properly. However, asanas can be done in the evening also, if the stomach is empty.

2. The place of asanas must be clean and peaceful. A good smooth lawn or a garden is preferable. Whatever be the space available, preference should always be given to a place which is open from all sides with adequate inlet for fresh air.

3. A dari or blanket should be spread on the ground chosen for asanas. This would protect you from small stones etc. Which may otherwise hurt you. This would also keep your attention undisturbed which otherwise might be disturbed due to the magnetic effect of the earth.

4. Never talk while doing asanas. Your attention should be on your breath and the organ being affected by the asanas. The greater the concentration. The greater the advantage to the body and the mind. Before starting the asanas, bring your body, breath and mind to completely normal and restful state. If necessary, perform a Shavasana.

5. Yogasanas are a non-violent activity. No jerks should be given to the body while doing them. Stretch your limbs very slowly to the fullest extent and then relax. Do not start the next asana until your breath has become normal after an asana.

6. Increase your practice of asanas gradually. By constant practice, your body will become more and more elastic day by day. It may take six months or even a year to assume a perfect posture of a particular asana. Patience as well as faith are therefore very essential without which you may feel disappointed after the first few days only. Remember that all can do asanas without exception, provided one has patience.

7. Asana should be done with the minimum of clothes on the body depending upon the season. Underwear or langot is a must.

8. Practice of yoga is open to all, from children of 10 years to old men of 80-85 years. Men and women are equal in this respect. Asanas are as useful for women as they are for men.

9. The asanas must be learnt from a guru or a person who was thorough knowledge of the subject. Their proper technique must also be learnt first. Remember that yoga is a scientific system. It has its relation with the internal organs of the body. Therefore, doing asanas without understanding the proper technique may sometimes cause harm instead of good.

10. A yoga practitioner is required to pay due attention to his food also. The food should be light, easily digestible, natural as far as possible and sattvic. Light food keeps the body light and fresh, giving more working power to the body.

11. People suffering from fever of chronic diseases should not do asanas. Pregnant women are also forbidden to do them. Asanas should be stopped during menstruation period also. Men suffering from common ailments and normally healthy persons only should do asanas. Consult your instructor always before doing them, if you are suffering from some chronic disease.

12. Begin with easier asanas. Do not do all the asanas at the very start. Keep your eyes closed while doing asanas. Do every asana according to your capacity. The duration of each asana should be increased slowly. Sarvangasana, for example, can be done for 2 to 10 minutes according to one’s capacity.

13. The order of the asanas should be such that upasana or counterpose of a particular asana comes after it, e.g: the upasana of Paschimottanasana is Konasana and that of Sarvangasana is Matsyasana. The upasana should invariably be done after the main asanas.

14. You can yourself judge the advantages of asanas. You can as well see if you are doing them properly or not. If your body becomes fresh, free from tiredness, light and active, and if you feel your working power increased, you should conclude that the asanas are having thedesired effect on your body. This criterion will also give you the right indication if you are doing all asanas correctly or not. These asanas help you look youthful.

15. At the end of the asanas, you must do shavasana for some time. You will be able to get full advantage of the asanas only when you give some rest to your body by doing Shavasana. This asana in itself is a comlete asana. It endows the body with wonderful powers.

16. Do asanas and pranayama for one hour and after that you should not eat anything for at least half an hour. If you take rest or sleep for an hour after doing the asanas, their effect will be more beneficial. This is because by doing the asanas you have put your inner system to work, and by taking rest it will work vigorously to oust the disease and give strength and power to your body and mind. Do not eat anything till half an hour after performing yogasanas.

Sequence of Postues for Common Ailments :

Heart and Blood Pressure : A patient should start with Kamar Chakra Asana, Vajra Asana, Ushtra Asana, Makar Asana, Pqwan Mukta Asana and Matsya Asana. All the postures should be done slowly making sure to feel the stretch. After every asana one must rest. Next asana should be undertaken only after the breathing is normalized. As the elasticity of the body increases keep adding new asanas. After completing the routine lie down in Shavasana (Corpse Pose) for 5 minutes or rest for an hour or half an hour.

Diabetic : Concentrate on Nao Asana, Kamar Chakra Asana, Janushir Asana (Mahamudra), Paschimottana Asana, Yogmudra, Ardhamatsyendra Asana, Vajra Asana, Supta Vajra Asana, Mayura Asana, Padauttan Asana, Hala Asana, Makar Asana, Pawan Mukta Asana and Sarvanga Asana. Slowly add rest of the postures to complete the routine.

Pain in Joints : Person should pay greater attention to Kamar Chakra Asana, Janam Asana, Akaran Dhanur Asana, Yognidra, Goraksha Asana, Vajra Asana, Supta Vajra Asana, Bhujanga Asana, Makar Asana and Pawan Mukta Asana.

Cervical Spondylitis : The recommended postures are Tar Asana (Standing as well as lying down), Kamar Chakra Asana, without bending , Ardhamatsyendra Asana, Supta Vajra Asana, Ushtra Asana, Bhujanga Asana, Padauttan Asana, Makar Asana (with knees bent as well as feet spread out), Pawan Mukta Asana, Matsya Asana and movement of the neck in all directions. For this lie on back with hands on the sides. Take elbow support and raise upper portion of the body and look towards feet chin reaching the collar bone, bend the head back, look right and left and then rotate in clockwise and anticlockwise direction. Repeated practice of Ushtra Asana is extremely beneficial I these cases.

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