full asana

Meditative Asanas

Padmasana (Lotus Pose) :

Method : Place Your left foot on the joint of your right thigh, and the right foot on the joint of left thigh in such a way that both your heels touch each other below your navel in the middle of your abdomen. In this way, soles of your feet will stay on your thighs. Now, straighten your backbone and neck so that there is no bend at your waist. Place your hands on your knees.

Benefits of Padmasana (Lotus Pose):

1.Opens up the hips

2. Stretches the ankles and knees

3. Calms the brain

4. Increases awareness and attentiveness

5. Keeps the spine straight

6. Helps develop good posture

7. Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica

8. Helps keeps joints and ligaments flexible

9. Stimulates the spine, pelvis, abdomen, and bladder

10.Restores energy levels

Some Other Useful Yoga Aasans

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