full asana

Ardhachandrsana (Halfmoon pose)


Stand erect with joined heels. Take the hand above your head and join them in the posture of namaskar. Inhale and bend towards left from the waist. Exhale and bring the body back in the straight position. Repeat this by bending the body towards right. Concentrate on Manipur chakra.


In stretch-ing the muscles on both sides this asana makes the body flexible. It improves the functioning of the heart and the lungs. The liver, the stomach and the intestines are also strengthened by its practice. It improves digestion and increases appetite. It gives relief to those suffering from sciatica.

full asana

Rest Posture

While doing sitting asanas, practice rest posture after every asana. This will normalize the breath and bring the stretched limbs. Muscles and nerves to their original positions.

Technique of rest Posture; Raise your knees while sitting on your dart or blanket. Take your hands forward across the knees and hold the wrist of your left hand with your right hand; keep the arms resting on the knees. Close your eyes, keep your body loose and fix your mind on your breath while doing an asana. One has to try to stretch one’s limbs and achieve the full posture of the asana. But in this posture one much leave the body in a completely relaxed state so that pure blood should circulate in the body and force the waste material out. This is the secret of health.

Some Other Useful Yoga Aasans

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